Friday, February 6, 2009

It’s a good day: Ike’s a golf whiz, Tricky Dick and a Hollywood madam are caught, and we’ve got hotels on Boardwalk AND Park Place, so there’s no way our little brother can beat us


Heidi Fleiss is scheduled to begin her 7 year jail sentence. Charlie Sheen, various celebrities, mourn.


George Harrison releases “This Guitar (Can’t Keep From Crying)”


The U.S. House of Representatives begins determining the grounds for impeachment of President Nixon.


Former President Dwight Eisenhower shoots a hole-in-one. Golf like Ike!


Monopoly board game goes on sale for the first time. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.


Robert E. Lee is appointed General of the Confederate Army.


Ulysses S. Grant begins military campaign in Mississippi


France officially recognizes the fledgling USA by signing the Treaty of Paris. This is the first United States treaty.

Blow out the candles and make a wish with

1966: Singer/internet prank Rick Astley
1962: Singer Axl Rose
1945: Rastafarian/singer Bob Marley
1912: Adolf Hitler’s mistress Eva Braun
1911: B-list actor/40th president Ronald Reagan
1756: Dueler Aaron Burr

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